How to Overcome Your Greatest Holdbacks — Letting Go by David Hawkins
About Letting Go
Letting Go by David Hawkins is a how-to book on overcoming the most pernicious habits we all share: anger, guilt, and a small sense of self. Written in plain language with a few anecdotes for illustration, Letting Go goes through different stages of being, from Depression to Guilt and on to Courage and Love, in a easily understandable way.
Dr. Hawkins is a psychiatrist, researcher of consciousness, and author, and though I don’t agree with everything the author states in this book, there are some really insightful lines and ideas in here. Worth a read for people interested in personal development who have struggled for a long time with anything from anger to shame, and want to be free. This book might help you quite a bit.
The author does have some quirks and also says some things that are not helpful or right, but it is up to each individual to discern. One of his quirks is that he speaks of his own experiences in the passive voice so that he can avoid using the personal pronoun “I” (he uses “we” when a personal pronoun is…