- Unless you change who you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got
- If you took all the money in the world and divided it among people, equally, it would soon be back in the same pockets
- The question to ask on the job: not “what are you getting?” but “what are you becoming.”
Happiness is not in what you GET, but what you BECOME
Theme of this seminar:
The MAJOR key to your better future is YOU.
- What makes a person do well? It’s not time — everyone has the same amount.
- If you can’t get more time, what can you get to get better results? Value.
- In economics: You can’t create more time, but you can create more value. We get paid for value, not time.
- How? By working primarily on yourself.
- Develop an above-average…smile, interest in others, desire to win…
- Learn to work harder on yourself than on your job.
- Situations don’t change til you do
- Some people don’t do well because they major in minor things
Life, and business, is like the changing seasons