Simon’s been waiting for this moment

THE CHOSEN S1E8 In-Depth Summary & Review: There’s BIG TROUBLE On the Horizon…

The Chosen, Season 1, Ep 8: “I Am He*”

16 min readAug 11, 2021


In this final episode of the Chosen, Season 1, Jesus deliberately insults everyone (including some of his own disciples) by choosing to associate with those deemed unworthy of social notice. And the results are explosive.

MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: Read this article AFTER you’ve seen the show to avoid spoilers. You can watch the show for free at


You can find and read the other In-Depth Summaries & Reviews here:

What’s Happened So Far

In the last episode, Jesus called two men, the Pharisee Nicodemus, and the tax collector Matthew.

Nicodemus had requested a personal interview with Jesus after witnessing the healing of the paralytic, but when called by Jesus, was torn between following Jesus and staying in his familiar role as rabbi.

Matthew, on the other hand, was so distracted by all the miracles he saw Jesus perform that he even went to see his estranged mother to talk about it.

While that was not exactly a fruitful encounter, Matthew jumped at the chance to follow Jesus when He personally called him, despite the protests of bodyguard Gaius and Simon the fisherman.

And now we’re ready for episode 8~the last one in the first season :)

Episode Summary

The story opens in Canaan, 1952 BC, with Jacob and his sons digging a well on a hilltop. A stranger named Yassib comes up to chat:

-“Shalom, my friend!” -”I do not know what that means.”



(aka The Scylighter). Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers!